Need a spiritual lift? Listen as BYU a cappella group Vocal Point takes on the old Irish hymn “Be Thou My Vision.”
Business guru and best-selling author Clayton Christensen passed away in January but not before he motivated millions and changed the way the business world views innovation. Learn more about the legacy of this impressive, down-to-earth alum in this BYU Magazine feature story.
The ancient Aztecs may have called chocolate the food of gods, but BYU executive pastry chef Fernanda Dutra can list the ways the demanding treat is like a challenging teenager. In this decadent yet calorie-free video, Dutra quotes poets and pop singers to explain why chocolate is a thing of beauty.
Depression and other mental-health challenges affect one in five Americans. This help guide, written for the Harvard Business Review by BYU business professor Kristen Bell DeTienne and two of her students, is intended mainly for the workplace, but it holds insights for anyone who suffers or needs support.