Rise and shout with this new performance video of the BYU Cougar Song, reimagined and digitized by BYU Vocal Point. Then add your classic Hike the Y, Cosmo, or football game photo to the BYU Alumni Homecoming Memories gallery on Facebook.
While COVID-19 kept the Cougar Marching Band off the field for the Homecoming game, the Power of the Wasatch worked out a safe way to share their musical prowess. Witness the web-exclusive performances of “The Pretender” and “The Mandalorian” online. (Be sure to use the video’s countdown timer to add in the audio.)
Catastrophic fires in the West are burning hotter than ever, leaving paths of destruction through human development and native plant ecosystems. Professor Matt Madsen and his plant and wildlife sciences students are using seed-coating technology to restore native plants to scorched landscapes. See how their work can help decrease the growth of fast-burning cheatgrass and break the fire cycle.
BYU researchers—including civil and environmental engineering professor Jim Nelson (above)—have created water modeling software that can predict the rise and fall of every river on Earth. The satellite-based monitoring, imaging, and mapping systems are a key tool in SERVIR, a joint venture between NASA and the U.S. Agency for International Development, to help people worldwide quickly assess threats and respond rapidly to natural disasters.
Wearing masks and physically distanced in the Madsen Recital Hall, the BYU Singers perform “Alleluia” by Elaine Hagenberg, with Andrew Crane conducting. Text is by Saint Augustine (354–430).