Nancy Fulda and her fellow computer-science teammates won a $250,000 grant to help Amazon's Alexa improve social conversations with humans. BYU’s team has been developing EVE (short for Emotive Adversarial Ensembles), with the goal of being chosen as one of three semifinalists this August.
In his recent devotional Elder Neil L. Andersen encouraged us to develop discipline in using technological devices, emphasizing that we need to use both our intellect and the Spirit to minister as Christ would. Watch, listen to, or read a summary of his address.
BYU business and engineering students have created Portal, a hands-free device for wheelchair users that automatically opens doors without pressing a button. For their innovation, the Portal team has won first place in BYU's series of entrepreneurial competitions and, most recently, the Utah Entrepreneur Challenge, hosted by the University of Utah.
Check out " A Time for Us," the latest video performance from the BYU Ballroom Dance Company. In May 2018, these graceful dancers will perform in nine shows across multiple East Coast states. See the schedule.